Hey Schools & Educators!

Get special discounts on our products to help with train students to become waxing extraordinaires!

Why train with anything else? Our products make your students better at what you are training to be!

Our wax products and specialized mats, pads and SMAs are created by a waxer for waxers. Whether you are a school or a student learning the ropes of speed waxing... You can count on our products to make you feel more confident in what you are doing!

How it works!

Fill Out Application

Let us know more about your school or enrollment with our easy application. It only take a few moments.


Application Review

We will review your application and get back to your within 5-7 business days.


If you are approved we will let you know. Then you can start ordering direct from us.

Schools FAQ

For schools we have a $1000 minumum for orders.

Discounts vary based on order total:

$1000 - $2499 15% off
$2500 - $3499 20% off
$3500 and over 25% off

Lash and Wax OC products that are eligible for our schools include wax pads, wax warmers, SMAs, and all Rebel Wax hard and soft wax products ONLY.

Sorry discounts can not be combined! Your discounts are direct and the highest savings we have available site-wide.

Sorry schools and wholesalers are not eligible to earn rewards points.

Yes! We have a full 6 week online course available to you and your students. Bree is also willing to travel to your school to provide demos and or additional in person hands-on training for both instructors and students.

Yes, we will have a school partner directories available on our website where you will be listed. Bree is also willing to help market your school to her following and assist is helping with student engagement and enrollments.

Yes absolutely we allow both in person and online sales of our products. We DO NOT allow selling on third-party e-commerce platforms, including but not limited to Amazon, eBay, and Walmart Marketplace.